
  Offering Our Blessings

"Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessings of the Lord." 

Deuteronomy (16:17)

The God who came to us at Bethlehem continues to come to us today. In every liturgy, He comes to us as the Word of God, bringing words of eternal life through the Scripture readings and the sermon. Through the Sacrament of Communion He comes to be born again and again in the shabby stables of our hearts. He comes constantly through prayer. He blesses our marriages as He did that in Cana of Galilee . He stands by our sick bed, laying His healing hand upon us through the prayers of the priest. He comes again and again in so many, many ways through the many ministries of His Church. He comes with healing and forgiveness; He comes with strength and guidance. He comes and when He comes, as the Bible says, “the blind see, the lame walk, and the prisoners are set free.”

It is by offering our blessings back to God that He will be able to continue His forgiving, healing, liberating, empowering, transfiguring, loving ministry through the Church. For God, Infinite though He be, has chosen to work through us, through our gifts, to continue His saving work in the world today.

What is Christian Stewardship? 

Christian Stewardship is…

(GOARCH Stewardship Ministries)


The continuation of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre is dependent on the will of our parishioners.  The stewardship program provides parishioners with the opportunity to support the church according to each person's specific circumstances and financial status.  Thank you in advance for all your support of the continued operations of the parish.


The 2024 Stewardship Form is attached below.  By filling out the stewardship form, the church's files containing your information will be updated.  After completing the stewardship form, please give it to a member of the parish council or mail it to the church.


If you have any questions, send an e-mail to  .