Your Own from Your Own We Offer to You
“…but make me worthy, Your sinful and unworthy servant, to offer these Gifts unto You. For You are the Offerer and the Offered, Who accepts and is distributed, O Christ our God….”
-Priestly Prayers before Holy Communion
As Orthodox Christians, we see the world as God's gift, as a sacrament of God’s presence and a means of communion with Him. This way we are able to offer back to God, in thanksgiving and love, the many gifts we receive from Him. Like the boy in the New Testament who offered the five loaves and two fish and Jesus multiplied them to feed the 5,000, God receives our humble gifts and multiplies them to feed the world.
When we see great need in our community and in the world, we may ask, “If God is so loving, then why is there so much poverty and suffering in the world? Where is God when we need Him?” Sometimes the need is so overwhelming that to help at all seems impossible, but in the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, we are taught to offer what we have, no matter the amount, and miracles will happen.
What is Christian Stewardship?
Christian Stewardship is…
Learning how to be a responsible and concerned caretaker of Christ’s Church; it is learning how to enjoy Church life and be happy in Church work, for in Her dwells the fullness of the Spirit of God.
Our active commitment to use all our time, talent and treasure for the benefit of humankind in grateful acknowledgment of Christ’s redeeming love.
Caring for the needs of others.
Offering one’s self to God as He offered Himself to us.
What a person does after saying “I believe…” as proof of that belief.
Devotion and service to God and His Church as persons, as families, as diocese/metropolis, as national Church and as Church universal.
(GOARCH Stewardship Ministries)
The continuation of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre is dependent on the will of our parishioners. The stewardship program provides parishioners with the opportunity to support the church according to each person's specific circumstances and financial status. Thank you in advance for all your support of the continued operations of the parish.
The 2025 Stewardship Form is attached below. By filling out the stewardship form, the church's files containing your information will be updated. After completing the stewardship form, please give it to a member of the parish council or mail it to the church.
If you have any questions, send an e-mail to .